Monday, January 02, 2006

staying on tract!

what else i've been up to...?i've been gettin into some dates,been attending parties with LDS friends,ive met a lot of LDS from different stakes, from the last YSA regional activity,and from other friends ,as well,and we keep each other planning to go part time in teaching Korean people who's studing english and i might take a diffrent subject for this coming school yr,or should i not...? not sure though. institute's gonna start nxt week,i miss my BOM class with elder and sister Erdman and i got 3 more classes! it's gonna be fun.i was invited to join a committee last sem but i don't think i'll be able to keep up so i didnt join any.
i visited some new girl friends in quirino 2nd ward yesterday was fun! i was able to see Mark(formerly elder Obial) who just got back from Cebu mission last week.he's my (top:full-time and ward missionaries christmas party at Marikina 4th area. dec.24,2005)
exboyfriend's friend. i was way excited to see him.we chatted a little then i left for a lunch appointment.


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