Monday, January 02, 2006

moving on...

yesterday was not so well at church.not to mention im attending a diffrent ward...well,my new home ward.long story why we are transferring ward from quirino 1st to cubao ward,we did'nt move.though...but it's official now. (spending prep. day with the full-time and ward missionaries at araneta cubao 2005) a lot of us were moving cause we live within cubao's boundary.i've been told about it before,long ago,even the time after my baptism 4 yrs ago,i just did'nt pay attention then. i would attend cubao ward's sacrament service and would also work in their area to get acquainted with the people. awesome. but yesterday felt strange,i'll get over it im sure.anyway Quirino 1st ward and cubao ward shares the same chapel.yeah,it felt strange maybe cause i dont have a calling their yet,so,i dont feel responsible! but i'll still be teaching the primary and young women @ quirino,they don't have a replacement yet and to think that we still have some discussions for the new members there... dont think im gonna let that pass...


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