Tuesday, January 17, 2006

MaNiLa PhiLiPpineS TeMpLe

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

dreAmin' of Puerto Gallera Beach...

W0w!i thought i was goin hiking with some new LDS friends on saturday but
i was wrong! we were supposed to have a long and messy walk goin to the
place called Daranak Falls.don't even know where that place is,never
got the chance to check it out,but i think the place is safe,some
missionaries have gone there on prep.day.instead, i'l be goin to Puerto
Gallera beach,i guess down in Mindoro with my colleagues at work.we won't be
back till monday.im gonna miss the church service :(
i guess hiking can wait till next saturday,i was the one who planned
that activity and now im just gonna have to reschedule it.ya,guess i'll
be makin a lot of phonecalls later tonight!hahahaha i lost my backpack
so i borrowed one,well,i just unwrapped my gift for a friend...uhm,i
bought him a backpck but never got the chance to give it during
christmas.well,it's urgent,i didnt know i'll be needing one! i'm just gonna buy
him a new one... ;) CLEVA! well,u really don't bring clothes when ur
goin to the beach,d'ya?! can't wait to see the night life down there!
well,better enjoy life before they sentence me to a yr and a half faithful
devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity.hhmmm,treating the
situation equally and fairly would fundamentally redound to my well
being. :o x0x0x0x luv ya'LL!

wEnDy'S unpaid advertisement :(

with my cousin Potty!

chillin with Nap and AngeL

mha ladies...Cora and AnGeL!


with my gurl Bea!

iLong Ranger!

ok,so we went and visit someone in the hospital last week.minor
operation was done due to a projecting mass of swollen and hypertrophied or
tumorous membrane inside the nose(polyp).i went to the hospital with a
friend,who tripped twice cause of the high heeled shoes she was
wearing,while were walking down the hospital hall,it was funny seeing her,we had
a great laugh about it,when she found herself in the middle of an
embarrassing contretemps...hahaha enwayz,she's pretty good at stumbling
though.hahaha.(gurl,if ur reading this...i wanna let u know that i love you
soooo much! and don't let anyone tell you any diffrent bout
it.mmmwwaahhh! hahaha).
the person we visited's back in good shape! hahaha it was funny
watching him though.bandage was placed on his nose to prevent blood falling in
drops! but it didnt do him any good as we tried to make him laugh his
heart out! bloody fun!whhee0ww...good to know everything's ok now.i've
been missing my old ward...BUT! all is well! wow time flies fast! our
beloved wardmission leader entered the MTC last month.he spent christmas
there which is kinda sad for his family,well,he's the youngest so,that
may explain why.he'll be goin to the same mission his brother have gone
to.he's a person who is extraordinarily strange or eccentric if i may
say but i was surprised when his mom approached me saying that her son
made it sure that she makes pretty clothes for my mission,cause he wants
me to look good and confident.a sweet compliment from someone u thought
u'd never learn to get around with...

chiLLin with Jona!

Christmas Temple tour with some friends

what were they thinking...?! (oo000pppsss...zL's mad...)

Friday, January 06, 2006

Ligaya @ haNauMa bAy

(my friend Ligaya studying at BYU Hawaii...miss ya gurl!)

tough GuyZ!

crazzzy things my friends do...
(friends back in senior high...)

with mah gurrlll ffrreennnddzzz

*ahbby*me*melvy*angeli* ( a sleep over after angeli's graduation )

Monday, January 02, 2006


staying on tract!

what else i've been up to...?i've been gettin into some dates,been attending parties with LDS friends,ive met a lot of LDS from different stakes, from the last YSA regional activity,and from other friends ,as well,and we keep each other posted.im planning to go part time in teaching Korean people who's studing english and i might take a diffrent subject for this coming school yr,or should i not...? not sure though. institute's gonna start nxt week,i miss my BOM class with elder and sister Erdman and i got 3 more classes! it's gonna be fun.i was invited to join a committee last sem but i don't think i'll be able to keep up so i didnt join any.
i visited some new girl friends in quirino 2nd ward yesterday morning.it was fun! i was able to see Mark(formerly elder Obial) who just got back from Cebu mission last week.he's my (top:full-time and ward missionaries christmas party at Marikina 4th area. dec.24,2005)
exboyfriend's friend. i was way excited to see him.we chatted a little then i left for a lunch appointment.

moving on...

yesterday was not so well at church.not to mention im attending a diffrent ward...well,my new home ward.long story why we are transferring ward from quirino 1st to cubao ward,we did'nt move.though...but it's official now. (spending prep. day with the full-time and ward missionaries at araneta cubao 2005) a lot of us were moving cause we live within cubao's boundary.i've been told about it before,long ago,even the time after my baptism 4 yrs ago,i just did'nt pay attention then. i would attend cubao ward's sacrament service and would also work in their area to get acquainted with the people. awesome. but yesterday felt strange,i'll get over it im sure.anyway Quirino 1st ward and cubao ward shares the same chapel.yeah,it felt strange maybe cause i dont have a calling their yet,so,i dont feel responsible! but i'll still be teaching the primary and young women @ quirino,they don't have a replacement yet and to think that we still have some discussions for the new members there... dont think im gonna let that pass...

livin' la vida loca

new yrs here! im much excited for this yr and a bit scared since im not always in control of whats gonna happen.enwayz,it has always been a pleasure to live life! (left:me&jona marikina 4th) last yr was not bad.pretty controversial,though.well,controversy sucked! i hated it when peole would open their mouth sayin their not so sophisticated opinions to piss a person off.truth will never be revealed to them(aside from those who already knows),let them think what ever they want and let them dwindle in confusion and speak non-sense until their mouth is totally shut for good.im not rude,everybody knows that.to some people who dsnt have any clue,im talkin bout a guy i dated,who's happily married right now,and yet we are still friends.back off! people dsnt have to make a big deal bout it.we are all living our lives and are all happy.and..uhm..nah,im not mad.just chillin'.